Plank wall? Oh, wait! That is WALLPAPER!!! Are you kidding me, that is gorgeous!

In one of the very first ever posts to this blog, I talked about a wallpaper I’d fallen in love with; Scrapwood paper by Piet Hein Eek.  The cost of papering a room in Scrapwood would roughly equal the national debt of a developing country, so it has always sat on my ‘Crave’ list of beautiful but unattainable things that I like to admire from afar.  And then recently a single roll appeared in the sale bin of an achingly chic design store I was rummaging through, and it felt like a tap on the shoulder from Fate.  An expensive tap, even then –  but the deed was done.

    1 comment:

    1. Hi Sara- Where did you get the wallpaper from? I love it!

